临时酒吧卡可以通过登录您的帐户并从菜单选项中选择编辑个人偏好来打印. You may also order a permanent Bar Card in this same area on the website.
The notices are always mailed in April or May and are due on July 1. A late fee of $75 is assessed on all payments after Aug. 1.
律师公会规则1-207 要求所有会员在乔治亚州律师协会保留有效的官方地址和电话号码. 所有地址更改必须以书面形式通过以下方式之一进行:(1)登录会员的帐户,网址为 macronucleus.cherubimslineage.com and selecting "Edit 联系 Information", (2) emailing the Membership Department at membership@cherubimslineage.com or (3) mailing information to State Bar headquarters, attention Membership Department.
If a member does not want their contact information visible in the online directory, they may contact Membership at 404-527-8777 or email membership@cherubimslineage.com and request their information be marked private. 他们的公司/雇主名称, 街道地址, 电话, fax and email addresses will be hidden from public view. To release the privacy restriction, the Membership Department must be contacted.
你可以联系你想执业的法院书记员,他们会安排你宣誓就职. You must first be admitted in Superior Court before you can be sworn in to the higher courts. Some of the tele电话 numbers for the higher courts are listed below:
上诉法院- 404-656-3450
U.美国上诉法院- 404-335-6100
U.S. 北区- 404-215-1660
U.S. 中区电话:478-752-3497
U.S. 南区- 912-650-4020
In order to be notified of any mass swearing in ceremonies for the higher courts, email the 青年律师科 of the 乔治亚州律师协会 by 点击这里.
点击这里 下载更改名称表格. This is a fillable form, which may be completed online before you print it for a signature. 请传真或邮寄此表格.
如果您还没有支付许可证费用 for the year, simply mark your license fee notice and pay the active fee amount. If you have already paid the inactive fee for the year, 将不活跃费用和有效费用之间的差额支票连同注释和您的律师号码邮寄到:乔治亚州律师协会, 邮政信箱102054, 亚特兰大,佐治亚州30368-2054. 如果您不确定要发送的金额,请发送电子邮件 membership@cherubimslineage.com 有人会很乐意帮助你的. 如果您想通过电话付费激活您的会员资格,请致电404-527-8777.
If you have already paid active fees, you may send an email to membership@cherubimslineage.com 并要求改变你的状态. 一定要写上你的律师证号 and the effective date. 如果您还没有支付许可证费用, 更改可以在许可证费用通知上显示,您可以支付通知上显示的非活动费用金额. 您也可以致电404-527-8777,要求我们更新您的账单,以反映非活动费用,以便您可以在线支付.
State Bar members, if you have created a username and password, please use the one you created. 继续进行的 点击这里.
如果您没有创建帐户, 您的默认用户名是您的酒吧号码, and your default password is your last name plus your birth year all lowercase, i.e., name1950. If creating a new password, it must contain 7 characters including letters and numbers. Upon logging in, you may change both under "Update Password/Username." If you need help logging in to the website, please contact the Membership Department at membership@cherubimslineage.com or 404-527-8777.
Please Note for Complete Disciplinary History Requests: Pursuant to Bar Rule 4-224 of the 乔治亚州律师协会, 所有不导致纪律对答辩人的不满,从我们的记录中删除一或两年后的一段时间.
总法律顾问办公室以信件形式提供纪律记录,每封信15美元. Requests will be processed and mailed within 10 business days.
To order and pay for your disciplinary history online, please login by 点击这里 然后去商店.
要用支票付款,请登录 会员门户 下载表格. Send the completed form and payment to the Office of the General Counsel, 乔治亚州律师协会, 玛丽埃塔街104号. NW, 100套房, 亚特兰大,乔治亚州 30303, Attn: Karen Cooper. The check should be made payable to 乔治亚州律师协会.
如果你不再是乔治亚州律师协会的成员,你需要一份你的纪律历史的副本, 联系卡伦·库珀,电话:404-526-8634或 karenc@cherubimslineage.com 寻求帮助.
问题? 联系卡伦·库珀,电话:404-526-8634或 karenc@cherubimslineage.com.
Letters of Good Standing include the attorney's name, Bar Number, address and current status. If the jurisdiction you are applying to requires information about disciplinary history, please see the last paragraph below for instructions.
Some jurisdictions require that the letter come from the highest court in the state. 在乔治亚州, the highest court that you are required to be admitted in, 为了练习, 是高等法院. 然而, 你可能分别在乔治亚州最高法院和/或乔治亚州上诉法院宣誓就职.
The 乔治亚州律师协会 is an official arm of the Supreme Court, 但是,如果你所申请的司法管辖区要求你提交你被录取的最高法院的信函(i.e., Supreme Court of Georgia, Court of Appeals of Georgia, etc.), 你必须直接联系那些法院, (but only if you are admitted to them) to request a letter of good standing. 否则, if you have only been admitted in Superior Court, a letter of good standing from the 乔治亚州律师协会 will be sufficient.
信件可向会员部索取,第一封信件的费用为15美元,同时申请的每一封额外信件的费用为5美元. Requests for Letters of Good Standing will be processed and mailed out each business day. 收到订单的截止时间是下午12点.m. If your order indicates that you would like to pick up your letter, you will be notified by email or 电话 when the letter is ready. To receive a Letter of Good Standing your Membership Dues must be current.
To order your letter of good standing please login by 点击这里 然后走到店面,或者你可以 点击这里 下载申请表并邮寄过来.
Any member seeking a letter that includes information about disciplinary history, 请参阅上述常见问题10.
在某些情况下, 乔治亚州向在其他司法管辖区获得执照的律师提供不经审查的动议许可. 州外律师如果希望申请不经审查的动议进入乔治亚州律师协会,请访问乔治亚州律师协会招生办公室的网站: www.gabaradmissions.org. Each jurisdiction may have different eligibility requirements. Please contact the 律师入学办公室 at 404-656-3490 for more detailed information.
任何活跃的成员在良好的信誉与州律师格鲁吉亚有资格订购个性化的会员证书. 印在象牙色羊皮纸上, 这些证书盖有国家律师协会的公章,并由现任会长签字. 未装裱的证书20美元.
镶框的会员证书是黑色和金色的双衬垫,并密封在金木框内. Complete with a hook for easy hanging, they are available for $95.
订购证书,请登入 点击这里 然后走到店面.
A photo ID card is a convenient and quick way to identify you as a 乔治亚州律师协会 member.
如欲订购带照片的身份证,请登入 点击这里 然后走到店面.
Once you make your purchase, you will need to email membership@gabar.,并附上一张高分辨率的图片. 一定要写上你的律师证号. 乔治亚州律师协会保留决定您提供的照片是否适合用于您的乔治亚州律师协会带照片的身份证的权利.
如果您愿意用支票付款的话, 邮寄16美元给会员, 乔治亚州律师协会, 100套房, 玛丽埃塔街104号, 亚特兰大GA 30303. 一定要写上你的律师证号 with the request.
(If you don't have the ability to send a photo electronically, 你也可以把这些寄给会员. 一定要写上你的律师证号 on all requests.)
The Online Directory is a direct reflection of the 乔治亚州律师协会's membership database. To change this information, you can change your address online by 点击这里,或电邮 membership@cherubimslineage.com.
从你收到律师入学资格证书之日起,你有一年的时间宣誓就职. 如果你真的宣誓就职, 从你宣誓就职之日起,你有60天的时间申请加入乔治亚州律师协会. The fiscal year for the 乔治亚州律师协会 is July 1 through June 30. Membership license fees are prorated by month for the first year you are a member.
Dues must be paid in full by the 9/1 date or you will be ineligible to practice. If you are not practicing, you can pay the inactive fee and later in the year convert to active.
注册乔治亚州律师协会所需的所有材料都可以在网站上找到,并且可以通过以下方式访问 点击这里.
每年9月1日之后, unpaid members members are ineligible to practice law until their license fees are paid.
The 乔治亚州律师协会's Membership Department maintains and updates each bar member's status. 获取有关您的会员身份的信息, 或者确保律师的信誉良好, please check our online membership directory which is updated daily. If you still have questions call the Membership Department at 404-527-8777 or e-mail membership@cherubimslineage.com.
请致电404-527-8777与我们联系,通过电话付款或发送支票以支付该年度的有效费用和非有效费用的差额. 一定要写上你的律师证号 and a note that you would like to become active. 请将支票寄至:
P.O. 102054箱
Due to the complexities and time involved with refunds for status changes, we do not refund any portion of the active license fee.
律师规则1-208规定,想要辞去会员资格的成员需要向执行委员会申请辞去乔治亚州律师协会的职务. 会员如欲辞职,请填写“辞职申请表”,并将表格电邮至 membership@cherubimslineage.com. Members may resign while in good standing with the State Bar. Members may also resign while delinquent or suspended for failure to pay license fees, 或未能遵守继续教育的规定. 辞职后恢复的程序与不缴纳执照费的程序类似. After the five-year period, you will be required to retake the Bar Exam to be readmitted. 点击这里 申请辞职. 点击这里 参阅规则1-208的全文.
You are not required to change to inactive status. 为了消除继续教育要求,如果你不在乔治亚州执业,住在州外, 你可以申请州外豁免. Please contact 继续教育 at 404-527-8710 了解更多信息 about 继续教育.
Any Superior Court Judge in the State can swear you in. You can make an appointment by contacting the clerk of the court in the county that you choose. A directory of Superior Court Clerks can be found at www.gsccca.org/clerks. If you reside out of state and wish to be sworn in by proxy, contact the Fulton County Superior Court Clerk’s office at 404-613-4217 or email 尼古拉斯.cotten@fultoncountyga.政府 了解更多信息. 他们将需要您的资格证书原件复印件和国家颁发的身份证复印件.
As an inactive member, you are not required to complete 继续教育 hours and your license fee is lower. 然而, inactive status requires that you do not practice law in Georgia. 一个可能的缺点是,如果你打算使用你的格鲁吉亚许可证被互惠承认到另一个司法管辖区, the other jurisdiction often requires that you have been active 5 of the last 7 years.
A late fee of $75 is assessed after 8/1 and you are ineligible to practice after 9/1. Another late fee of $100 is assessed after 1/1 (Total Late Fee $175). 在无薪状态的第二年之后, your membership status is changed to administratively suspended. 您的会员资格将在您未支付年度许可费的第一年开始,以行政暂停的形式持续五年. 在这五年期间, you may reinstate by being recertified thru the Fitness process with Bar Admissions, completing several administrative requirements and paying additional penalty fees, 许可费和滞纳金. After the five-year period, you will be required to retake the Bar Exam to be readmitted.
律师入学办公室是乔治亚州最高法院的行政部门,负责乔治亚州律师执业的入学工作. 这个办公室有一个独立于乔治亚州律师协会的网站,可以点击这里访问: 律师入学办公室
You are not required to take 继续教育 hours while you are inactive. There are no other requirements to maintain your inactive status. You may remain inactive for an unlimited amount of time. 当您处于非活动状态时,保持您的地址与酒吧保持更新并支付许可费是非常重要的. 你可以更改你的地址 点击这里.
您将欠您激活的那一年的继续教育,以及您在前几年停用继续教育时欠的任何时间. These hours would need to be completed by March of the following year.
You will owe 继续教育 for the current year even if you are only active for one day, week, etc. 年内. Be sure to consider this when you are activating at the end of a year.